When your house has been repainted or maybe your new home has been painted for the first time, you need to ensure it lasts. Extending paint life isn’t as hard as it sounds, especially if you follow a few simple rules. There’s no reason why your paint can’t last up to 10 years in mint condition.

Interior Paint

It will depend on the paint sheen level and durability of your paint as to how you care for it. It’s up to you to make sure you understand what’s on your walls and ceilings first.

Flat, matt and low-sheen paint surfaces

Typically, flat paint is the least durable. You’ll find flat mostly on your ceilings, but you will also have to take care with matt and low-sheen as well.

You’ll need to avoid abrasive and solvent cleaners if the ceilings and walls are marked. Instead, try using a small amount of detergent and cloth with warm water. Follow this by wiping down the area with a clean damp cloth. This will remove any excess detergent and minimise the chance of patching occurring.

Semi-gloss and gloss paint surfaces

With your painted surfaces which have gloss, these can handle a liquid or spray cleaning solution. Choose one which you would use to clean around your home. However, I would avoid abrasive cleaners or products with caustic ingredients. Sugar soap is a great choice. Make sure you follow with a clean wet cloth to wipe down and remove any excess.

This paint is designed specifically for high traffic areas. You’re going to find more frequent marks like fingerprints and scuffs on it.

Exterior Paint

Washing down the exterior of your home is something that needs to be done every 6 months. Add this job to your calendar for spring and autumn.

In Australia, your exterior is exposed to harsh elements and over time the dirt, leaves, tree sap and pollution will eat away at the paint.

You also need to make an effort to clean out your gutters. This is part of your exterior and gutters can easily overflow and affect the paint.

If you do choose to use a detergent, make sure it’s safe for your plants as well, and wash it off thoroughly afterwards.

Damaged surfaces

Keep an eye out for damaged paint while you’re working your way around the house. If you find any exterior paint bubbling, flaking or peeling, don’t ignore it, make sure you get it fixed.

If you spend the time now fixing any issues, it will definitely mean you’re extending the paint life of your entire house. Short term fixes equal long term gain.

Got a question about the paint condition on your house? Get in touch and Darren can come and have a look at it for you.

Lake Mac Painting – it’s a local job.