Someone once said that one of the best investments in your home, especially if you’re in the market to sell, is painting. I wonder who that was? After a few years of living in this home, the owners decided it was time to renovate. Yes, they did need a new kitchen, lighting and flooring, but the rest has been cosmetic. I’m sure you’ll agree, that the paint choices in this home were a game-changer. Interior colours are so important.
As the renovation commenced, Darren was able to recommend colour choices based on years of experience that would bring the best out of their updated home. Consideration was given to existing features, the new modern wood finishes, flooring colour, and furnishings on the windows. Some white colours can throw yellow, or blue against certain floors, so it’s important to know what you’re choosing.
If you’re ready to get started with your interior, give Darren a call and start the conversation.